Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Television Gig: Margaret Cho's Universe!

I flew down to LA for one day for a casting call and to see how I like it, again.
The casting was for a catalogue for a line of dresses. Tons of girls showed up and I knew I didn' have a chance. So I went to the LA Casting offices and I got a last minute rush call to be int he audience for Margaret Cho!

Here is the ad-

Announcement - Looking for Audience Members

April 16th, 2008

The producers of “The Cho Show” are currently seeking audience members for an upcoming episode of Margaret’s new series on Vh1.

If you’re at least 18 years old, live in the Los Angeles area, and available Wednesday, April 23rd from 10:00am to 6:00pm please email your contact info to the email address below. However, if you are unavailable for the full 8 hour taping please let us know what time you’re available, and for how many hours.

Due to limited seating we can only admit the first 100 people that respond so send us your contact info as soon as possible to assure yourself a spot on the guest list. Thank you!


I am in the audience, it was awesome! Margaret Cho is having a show on Vh1 this fall and I am in the audience for the beauty pageant sequence.

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