Friday, June 20, 2008

Sapient Photo: 944 Magazine Launch

Huge Launch party at the Bently Reserve for 944 Magazine! Damien worked the Red Carpet and I was the video hostess. I interviewed Pras from The Fugees and DJ Soloman. Macy Gray was on the decks.

Check out this pic of me and Too Short!
The very first tape I ever bought- 'Life is Too Short' by Too Short. It was in 1988 at the Ashby Flea Market, and it cost $3. True story. Love ya, Short Dog!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, you've been hella busy. I HOPE TO GOD YOU RAPPED for Too Short. Can I tell you that is still a fantasy of mine? Can you have him call me if you see him again??