Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sapient Photo:Le Tourment Vert Presents "The Butler's In Love" Film Premiere w/ David Arquette, Mayor Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel

Photo Credit :Photo by Omar P.L. Moore/ Copyright 2008.

Absinthe is now legal in the USA, after a 96 year ban!
Le Tourment Vert is a French Absinthe manufacturer, and they are sponsoring films and artistic events to get the word out about their delicious herbal liquor.
David Arquette, Courtney Cox, Mayor Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel came to the Metreon in downtown San Francisco for the film premier.
I love the concept and the back story- David Arquette saw the painting, "The Butler's in Love" by Oakland Artist Mark Stock. It was hanging at Bix restaurant in San Francisco. Years later, David was inspired to make a short film based on the painting.

At the opening, the green carpet was rolled out with absinthe bottles on tables- even the 3-D glasses for the film were green!
I had fun hamming it up on the green carpet. Damien took great photos of the celebrities. The movie was beautiful and engaging and I wanted it to continue! It was only about 12 minutes long! I guess it is hard to film in 3-D?
Anyhow, the after party was at Roe and it was great. bottle of Absinthe piled high in bathtubs of ice, dancing with gentlemen in period costume, and plenty of prickly tasting absinthe cocktails.

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